Monday 26 August 2019

My return to the birth land

Rewinding back to the summer of 2014.

Life as i knew it was on a steady path, i had spent the previous 2 years working in Bahrain in a reputed construction company. Life had blessed me in meeting so many people in those 2 years, from senior consultants who have history in Bahrain much longer than my own & others who worked hard for lengthy hours under the sun at it's hottest. i was introduce to their immediate family and extended family.  I cherished every moment at work with my new found friends and chosen family. i won't lie there were days when it was a little dramatic and certain co workers thought pulling stunts on me was a good idea but even their plans failed miserably. Karma has it's ways and folk who forgot where their roots were from soon understood the depth of their actions.

My journey on the path of life took a totally different direction within a considerably short amount of time. I'd been a stranger for 14 years to my birth land UK but that was to change. I returned back to the UK and here i have been for the last 5 years. Life had a plan for me and it has been such an eye opening experience. Some days have been so hard and others have been with ease. This life here was never in my bucket list of things to achieve but in saying that i think i can honestly say i have done myself proud.

My family has grown, grown not only in a member but also in love, compassion, patience and mercy. When you have set plans in your head of everything you want to achieve you never really sit there and think of a plan b that is the total opposite direction of where you see yourself in 5 years. But that plan life gave me has been blessings in disguise. The last 5 years has taught me that my inner strength was far more than i thought i was capable of handling. 

There is so much i can say about 5 years but for now i will keep it at this.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Post writing block, i have decided to come back to the blogging world.

 Greetings all, 

 it has been a very long time since i sat down here in the blogging world and posted anything of any means. Life has seen many changes to say the least but what a journey of growth and education it has been. Am feeling blessed to be able to sit here now and type with a content heart. 

The blog started out in early 2010 when i lived in Salalah with my eldest child and continued on for a few years recording my journey post divorce without custody of my son. After 9 years from that point and many tears shed i have decided to edit this blog in a different style based around my adventures as a 3rd culture adult travelling the world and meeting people from many walks of life along the way. 

The last decade has brought many chances to meet amazing people, share paths with them and learn from some very deep and educated people who have become close friends and chosen family. 

Here is to the future, breaking taboos and talking of subjects that maybe wont be spoken of by the many but for sure by the few who have walked unknown paths and those who have the inner strength to share.

Love, Light & Peace to you all.